Sunday Afternoons Morris Dance
Morris dance joint practices are free to all held by two St. Louis teams.
Free of charge at 1:30pm.
Thursday Evenings International Folk Dance
International Folk Dance Association begins dance at 7pm.
$5 admission charge.
First and Third Mondays Irish Dancing
Irish dancing with Ceili and Set dances, not the fancy performance-style steps.
7pm – 9pm.
Fourth Wednesdays Songbird Concerts
Songbird Concerts hosts a variety of singer-songwriters in the round.
Third Sunday Evenings Arcadia Dance Orchestra
Arcadia Dance Orchestra plays twenties style jazz for listening and dancing from 7pm-9pm.
Fourth Tuesdays St. Louis Poetry Society
Fourth Sunday Evenings Argentine Tango
St. Louis Gateway Tango hosts Milonga del Domingo, a social Argentine tango dance event. All are welcome!
7pm – 10:30pm with a free beginners lesson from 6pm -7pm.
$5 cover charge
Contact Info
River Rats Morris call Judy at 314-560-2778 or E-mail [email protected]
Irish Dancing E-mail [email protected]
Songbird Concerts go to
Arcadia Dance Orchestra go to
St. Louis Poetry Society call Erin at 314-398-4821
Argentine Tango go to